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🔎 We find the most important trends and news in the consultancy industry, so you only need to focus on driving your business towards success

📝 We interview both company leaders and the most skilled professionals in our in-depth articles to give you new perspectives on everything from business development and digitalisation to time tracking

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🧠 We collect our colleagues’ best tips and tricks on how you can benefit from the many options in TimeLog

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Meet the team behind TimeLog's newsletter

Here are the people that communicate the consultancy industry's experts' wise words to you.

Andreas (to the left) is our Digital Marketing Manager. As a trained journalist, he’s the driving force behind most of our blog posts and resources, which he generously shares with you for free.

Sofie (in the middle) is our CMO. Once in a while, Sofie finds her writers hat and writes everything from blog posts to in-depth guides for you. 

And then there is Samine (to the right) who is our E-mail Marketing Manager. She makes sure to keep you up to date on the most interesting trends and news in the consultancy industry, product news in TimeLog and much more. 

We look forward to welcome you to the TimeLog newsletter. ❤️️